With DuPont™ Nomex® Nano Flex, the H41 Interceptor™ Fire Hood is designed to block potentially carcinogenic particulates and other harmful contaminants.
The H41 Interceptor™ blocks 95% of particulates at .2 micron in sizeor larger. For perspective, there are 25,400 microns in one inch and a human hair is about 75-100 microns wide, so a .2 micron particulate is about 500x smaller than a strand of hair. Testing has shown that the particulates sized at less than .2 microns don’t have enough mass to make it through the double layer knit and the Nomex® Nano Flex; essentially meaning that this hood blocks 100% of particulates less than .2 microns.
Nomex® Nano Flex is a revolutionary new material that can block fine particulates almost as well as an impermeable membrane. Unlike FR moisture barrier membranes however, this new lightweight (0.5oz/yd2), “barely-there” material is actually completely breathable; Nomex® Nano Flex is a non-woven, web technology, made of submicron continuous fibers.
Certified to NFPA 1971, 2013.
Buy Them Together
The Fire-Dex Interceptor Package™

This package features PPE to combat both the number one (Cancer) and number two (Heat Stress and Cardiac Fatigue) causes of firefighting related deaths. Bundled together in one budget-friendly package.